Water in the Landscape

Most people use about 50 to 55 gallons per person, per day, indoors. However, when you add irrigation for landscape, the average water consumption per person or per household takes quite a jump. It can add 200 gallons or more per person, per day. This is especially true in hotter inland areas, and during the warmer months.

On average in our watershed, 60% of all residential water used goes to landscape watering.


When we add water to the landscape, it has two destinations: one intentional, and one not so intentional.

Intentionally, we add water to the soil to provide for our plants. Water that goes in the soil can be taken up by plant roots, act as storage for future use, or it can end up replenishing groundwater supplies.

Unintentionally, we allow water to run off our property. The water ends up traveling through the watershed via gutters, storm drains, and ultimately, out to the ocean. Unfortunately, it often contains or picks up contaminants along the way. If it can be captured, it can be restored to a clean state once more.

By far, what are the most common contaminants that leave a residential landscape and enter the watershed?

  • Misapplied fertilizers and pesticides. By far, the most common source of pollution that leaves a residential landscape is ant poison.
  • Automobile oil, fluid leaks, and heavy metals
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